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  • Writer's pictureAlex Durant

Our Top 3 Reasons to Host Your Auction Online

Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay

In the wake of COVID-19, so many people are trying to find a way to still feel normalcy and have turned to the digital world to connect with one another, find community and to make their day-to-day purchases. That digital world doesn’t need to stop at basic needs, though. 

It’s not surprising that a large part of the US economy has had to pivot, in some cases entirely, into online sales and events. It might seem daunting or intimidating to run your events digitally and scares many nonprofits and businesses away from holding events at all, in-person or virtually. 

But what might seem daunting might also be the best leap you, and your organization, ever decided to take. To help persuade you, we’ve compiled some of the things we tell our clients who are considering moving their events entirely, or partially, online.

Your Audience Expands Exponentially

While in-person auctions can be intimate and have a fun energy to them, adding a digital element can greatly increase your event’s footprint. People from all over the country can find and buy from your event, meaning more profits for you and more exposure for your donors. 

One way to expand your audience successfully is through social media campaigns. Promote your online auction via your existing social sites (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) to maximize exposure and encourage your audience to share/repost. Another solution? Targeted email marketing campaigns. Meaning you send emails to past donors/purchasers and people who have shown interest in your organization and/or auctions in the past. However you decide to market your event, just remember that the more people who see, and spread, your event’s information, the better.

Increased Exposure Leads to Happier Donors

Donors, like everyone, want to feel seen and heard. If you’re able to prove to them that more people are seeing their brand then those donors feel appreciated, respected and are more likely to work with you again in the future. They want to support your mission but let’s be honest, they want ROI as well.  

Online auctions achieve just that for many donors. With online auctions, consumers can interact with donors entirely differently than they would at an in-person event. Small things like the brand logo that directs consumers to the brand’s website are miles more interactive than the traditional representation that brands get at in-person auctions (i.e. brand logo on a thank you sign or program).

Harnessing Pre-Existing Online Shopping Habits

It’s almost universal among Americans that everyone, since March 2020, has ordered something online. Tapping into the online shopping arena helps people who want to do their shopping remotely. 

While online shopping obviously predates COVID-19, it’s fair to say that the majority of consumers expect some sort of online shopping features for businesses moving forward. Grabbing onto this e-commerce model has been a lifeline for many businesses and, in the very least, has proved to be an apt fundraising tool.

If your organization is struggling to pull together an upcoming online auction, Durant Consulting, Inc., is here to help. We have resources on our blog to get you started if you choose a DIY approach and we also offer bespoke auction packages for those who want professional assistance with their event.

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